August 19, 2011

The test.

Here is what I need to do in the test on next Monday:

- write sentences
- describe words and explain them in English
- fill in the blanks
- decide which descriptions or sentences are correctly describing a certain word
- use the number series (see below)
- write a text of maximum of 200 words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The number series:
1. First (1st)
2. Secound (2nd)
3. Third (3d)
4. Fourth (4th)
5. Fifth (5th)
6. Sixth (6th)
7. Seventh (7th)
8. Eights (8th)
9. Nineth (9th)
10. Tenth (10th)

11. Eleventh (11th)
12. Twelveth (12th)
13. Thirteenth (13th)
14. Fourteenth (14th)
15. Fifteenth (15th)
16. Sixteenth (16th)
17. Seventeenth (17th)
18. Eighteenth (18th)
19. nineteenth (19th)
20. twentieth (20th)

30. thirtieth (30th)
40. fortieth (40th)
50. fiftieth (50th)
60. sixtieth (60th)
70. seventieth (70th)
80. eightieth (80th)
90. ninetieth (90th)
100.hundredth (100th)


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